Based on fragments of imagery on ancient clay pots, Dionysia delves into the ritualistic, unstable, and sometimes hilarious behavior of an Appalachian choir. The work draws upon Greek mythology, and early American folklore. Performed only three times, Dionysia is Poor Dog Group's hidden gem with oodles of technology, cars, pianos, 44 foot babies, gallons of milk, pine coffins, wine sacks, cooked meat, and audience participation. 

This project was generously supported and commissioned by EMPAC and was presented as part of the Fall Season. 


  • Conceived and Directed by Jesse Bonnell

  • Created by Poor Dog Group

  • Produced by Poor Dog Group in partnership with EMPAC

  • Performed by Jonney Ahmanson, Brad Culver, Andrew Gilbert, Cat Ventura, Jessica Emmanuell, Jesse Saler, and John Kern

  • Concept, Text, and Direction by Jesse Bonnell

  • Scenic Design by Efren Delgadillo

  • Sound Design by Andrew Gilbert and Justin Sachs

  • Lighting Design by Justin Sachs, Chris Kuhl, and Adam Hunter

  • Sound Engineering by Justin Sachs

  • Video Design by Grant McDonald

  • Production Management by Itamar Stern